Marc Chaikin is well known in the investment world. Today I'm going to review his stock trading platform called Chaikin Analytics.

I'm sure if you're here you'd like to know if it's a scam or not. You'll get that answer plus much more below.

Make sure to read the whole review.. you'll get insights here that you won't find anywhere else.

You'll be confident if Chaikin Analytics is right for you by the time you're done reading.

Chaikin Analytics Summary

Creator: Mark Chaikin

Price: $2,195 per year

Rating: 3/5

Do I recommend? It depends

Summary: There's a lot to like about Chaikin Analytics. Marc is well known and has a long track record of delivering quality stock ideas.

Plus these tools are used by successful traders and they're used on Wall Street.

However, it's pricey and you shouldn't consider it unless you're going to take trading seriously.

Additionally, there's no refunds so make sure you actually want this product before buying it. 

Better Alternative: I've reviewed all the best places to get stock ideas. To see my #1 recommendation, click below:

Is Marc Chaikin A Scam Artist?

There's a lot of trading and stock scams. A lot of people make one or two good trades and then put out a product promising huge returns. 

They never work and just lose people money.

This isn't the case with Marc Chaikin, though.

Here's some basic facts about Chaikin:

Started Trading In 1965

Marc is a veteran in the trading world and few people can match his resume.

He got his start in 1965 as a stock broker.

Later in the 1970's he headed the options department at Tucker Anthony And RL Day based out of Boston.

Tucker Anthony is one of the  largest brokerage firms in the US and has over 80 different offices.

Today it manages $48 billion in assets.

Heading the options department for this investment bank is a big deal.

Started Developing Indicators In The 80's

In 1980 Chaikin started developing proprietary stock market indicators and in 1982 hosted a financial show on an early version of CNBC.

This is also the time period Chaikin started using computers and algorithms to assist in his trading. 

He's also known for creating the first real time analytics workstation for traders.

These stations are used by mega conglomerate Reuters. 

Chaikin Transitions To Individual Investors In 2000's

In the last decade Chaikin has shifted his attention to retail investors.

He created Chaikin Stock Research (now called Chaikin Analytics) to provide individual investors with tools and indicators to help them trade.

Chaikin is a regular on Fox Business and CNBC.

What Is Chaikin Analytics?

Chaikin Analytics is simple but powerful.

Here's a summary of exactly what Chaikin Analytics is:

Chaikin Analytics Rates Stocks

There's thousands of stocks.. all moving in different directions.

These stocks represent real businesses with CEO's, employees, revenue, debt and more.

It would be impossible for a person to personally investigate every stock available.

This is where Chaikin Analytics comes in. 

It helps you determine which stocks are worth investing. It does this by rating over 4000 stocks and 17000 ETFS.

There's 5 Different Ratings For A Stock

There's 5 ratings a stock or ETF can get from Chaikin Analytics.

They are:

  • Very Bullish
  • Bullish
  • Neutral
  • Bearish 
  • Very Bearish

There's various factors that go into developing these ratings.

Beyond the rating system there's various newsletters and stock picking services as well.

Chaikin Isn't Too Active On Social Media

Marc Chaikin has always been innovative in the trading world and ahead of the game with tools, analytics and use of computers.

However, Marc doesn't seem to be too big into social media yet.

This company has a Facebook, Twitter And Youtube channel but they barely post on any of them besides the Youtube channel.

There's not to many people following Chaikin on these channels as well.

There's also a blog on the Chaikin Analytics website but nothing has been posted there in a while.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

Chaikin Analytics Product Overview

This platform has a lot of different components.

Here's a breakdown of everything you get.

Power Gauge Rating

The Power Gauge Rating is the most well known part of Chaikin Analytics.

This is how stocks and ETF's are rated. This tool will help you determine the direction a stock is going and you can use that to make trades.

Additionally, you get information on WHY a stock is rated the way it is.

There's 20 different ranking factors and they all belong to 4 different components.

Here's how each stock is rated based on the Power Gauge Rating:

  • Financials - The financial ranking factors include long term debt to equity, price to book, return on equity, price to sales and free cash flow.
  • Earning Factors - The earning ranking factors include earnings growth, earnings surprise, earnings trend, projected price/earning ratio and earnings consistency.
  • Technical Factors - The technical ranking factors include relative strength vs. marketing, Chaikin money flows, price strength, price trend ROC and volume trend.
  • Expert Factors - Expert ranking factors include analyst estimate trend, short interest, insider activity, analyst ratings and industry relative strength. 

Chaikin Money Flow

The Chaikin Money Flow has been around since the 1980's.

This is a way to measure buying pressure vs selling pressure of a stock over time. Basically you're seeing why a stock is changing prices.

Chaikin Money Flow does this by look at closing performance and volume confirmation.

If a stock has strong closing performances it's likely to continue its upward trend while a stock that closes weak won't.

Volume confirmation looks at closing performances and the volume of trades that day.

A stock that that closes strong on high volume days is better than a stock that closes weak on high volume days.

This is an example of a stock that would be considered a good buy:

This is overwhelming green and has a bullish Chaikin Power Gauge rating.

The Power Gauge Report

The Power Gauge Report is a stock picking service that you can buy separately from the Power Gauge Indicator.

It costs $199 per year and you can get a 75% discount for the first year ($49).

Here's what you get:

  • One Year Access To Power Gauge - This is a monthly newsletter where you get one stock pick every month. These picks have the potential to make you 3 to 5 times your money. You'll also get an updated portfolio of the top 5 stocks to buy.
  • Special Updates - Stocks can be volatile and sometimes you'll need to close or add a position before the newsletter gets sent out. You'll get updates through out the month if something needs to be addressed in your portfolio. 
  • Power Pulse System - This tool allows you to plug in stocks to see their Power Gauge Rating. You'll know if a stock is bearish or bullish.
  • Marc's Warnings And Predictions - Marc has a good track record of predicting major stock market events. He predicted the stock crash in 2020 and the corrections in 2018. You'll get insights on future stock events others miss.
  • Retirement Picks - Some stocks you want to hold forever. You'll see 4 stocks that you can buy now and hold until your retirement. 

Additional Tools And Products

You get additional tools and products with Chaikin Analytics as well.

These include:

  • Stock And ETF Screeners - The stock screen allows you to filter some of the ranking factors to determine stocks for yourself. This is for someone that wants to choose stocks for themselves.
  • OptionsPlay - This is a cool little tool that allows you to simulate trades and gives you scores to determine its odds of success. 
  • Personalized Stock Ideas - This tool will give you stock ideas based on stocks you're searching. 
  • Alerts - You can set up filters and Chaikin Analytics will send you trade alerts when a stock becomes bullish or bearish.

Want High Performing Stock Picks?

I've reviewed the best places that provide these. To see my favorite, click below:

Who Should Consider Chaikin Analytics?

This is a pretty robust and serious trading platform.

You get a lot of indicators and rankings that help you determine what a stock will do.

Here's who I think would benefit most from Chaikin Analytics:

Must Be A Serious Trader

If you're looking to invest in a few stocks, sit back and throw up your feet I wouldn't bother with Chaikin Analytics.

This service rates thousands of stocks.

If you're only interested in a couple stocks you wouldn't need the rating system.. you can just investigate the companies you're interested in.

However, if you're someone that wants to get serious about trading and buy multiple stocks a month it can benefit you.

It will save you a lot of time when looking into where a stock is going.

Have A Good Amount To Invest

When covid hit and stimulus checks were flying out a lot of small retail traders were born.

This is first time many of these people had $1200 cash to invest.

Chaikin isn't the kind of service for these traders.

Chaikin is for someone that can comfortably invest $10,000 MINIMUM.

You'll probably want a lot more because the service is so expensive.

Must Be Patient

Day trading is another thing that got very popular during covid.

People were stuck at home and had nothing to do so they started investing in the market daily.. the goal being profiting everyday.

Again, Chaikin Analytics is not for these people. 

This is for the investor that's comfortable waiting a couple years to see a return.

Is Chaikin Analytics Worth $2,195 Per Year?

It really depends.

Like I said in the previous section you need to make more than $2,195 per year if you want to profit from these services.

If you're only investing $5,000 and you get returns of 20% ($1,000 profit) you'll end up losing money.

If you're investing $5,000 you'll need 50% profits just to break even.

The average return on stocks is 10%.

In order to break even you'll need to invest $25,000 if you're getting average returns.

If you have a lot of money to invest then I do believe this service can be worth it.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

The Refund Policy Makes No Sense

In the terms it's clear that each product has its own refund policy.

This is strange and you don't see this often.

The Power Gauge Report which only costs $49 for the first year comes with a good refund policy.

You get 30 days to get a CASH refund if you're not satisfied.

But the refund policy for the much more expensive Chaikin Analytics is horrible.

They DON'T give cash refunds for this product.

Instead you just get a credit to spend on other products at Chaikin Analytics.

The only problem with that is Chaikin Analytics is the most expensive product offered.

You can't possibly spend the credits on other products.

So basically there's no refunds for Chaikin Analytics.

Chaikin Analytics Pros And Cons

  • Marc has been around forever: Marc isn't some young 20 something year old who discovered stocks last year. He's been in the investing world for over 45 years.
  • Useful tools: The tools are simple and powerful. You'll know how stocks will perform with them.
  • Used on Wall Street: Professionals use Chaikin Analytics. These tools have proven to be effective.
  • Very expensive: This product costs $2,195 PER YEAR. If you're here for over 5 years that will cost $10,000. That's a lot of money.
  • Bad refund policy: It's confusing why they would give a cash refund for their cheap product but not the expensive one. 

Is Chaikin Analytics A Scam?

No definitely not.

Marc Chaikin is a legitimate investor and he's created several cutting edge tools for traders.

Many of his products are used on Wall Street and he's very respected.

Chaikin Analytics is a high quality trading platform and will definitely help you select good stocks. 

However, it's expensive and there's no refunds.

In order to get use out of Chaikin Analytics you need to have a lot to invest. 

If not you'll have a hard time profiting. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

Chaikin Analytics is a good place to get stock ideas but there's better.

I've reviewed hundreds of stock letters and tools that help you make stock picks.

To see my favorite (which is affordable and gives you great stock ideas), click below:

Get High Return Stocks!

There's a lot of programs that promise high returns. To read my full review of this program, click below:

About the Author

Dylan is an expert in investing and passive income. He's from NY and works independently. He created Top Trading Reviews to help investors avoid trading scams.

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